immunology doctor with patient
Food Allergy,  Seasonal Allergies

Why Do Allergies Develop?

A great majority of our immune system resides in the lining of our gastrointestinal tract. In fact the GALT (Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue) is regarded as our largest immune organ, and it is there to mount an immune response towards foreign harmful agents for our protection and yet remains tolerant to the foods we eat.

Normally the gastrointestinal tract is elegantly controlled: able to discern the appropriateness of its actions toward foreign agents that are harmful to the body (virus, bacteria) versus foreign agents that are benign (food). Under the distinction healthy individuals do not mount an immune response against most foods and antibody production is appropriately down regulated. This is active state of immune “inattention”, regarded as being the normal healthy mode, is often referred to as Oral Intolerance.

When this state of tolerance is compromised, perhaps via a combination of antibiotic abuse, nutritional or microbial imbalances and toxic environmental factors, a cascade immunologic events can ensue, where in our gastrointestinal tract  (GAIT System) and begins to attack  that which we dearly need…. our FOOD!!! This attack is often accomplished through the production of antibodies, specific to the food that seems to be perceived as the most dangerous threat.  A loss of immune tolerance is what unfolds.

The loss of the discernment by our GALT to distinguish between friends or foe can have far reaching consequences, ranging from food allergies, inflammatory bowel disease to autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease. Increased gut permeability has also been implicated as playing a central role in a number of chronic inflammatory conditions. It is unclear whether these changes in permeability cause the disease process as a consequence of it. Abnormal gut barrier function may involve genetic factors which lead to inappropriate exposure of food antigens crossing the gut lining, and triggering immune responses with the release of inflammatory agents.

Food allergies are the result of our immune system becoming imbalanced & irritated and attacking our food as if it were a threat….. As if it was an infection. This can be a lot of wasted and potentially harmful activity.

These immune reactions may involve our antibodies (like IgA, IgE, and IgG) are classified as either IgG mediated or non- IgE mediated reactions. IgG and IgA antibodies, as well as immune complexes may be important players. As part of our defense, these antibodies mediate significant inflammatory processes in efforts to neutralize and eliminate the allergen from the body. Allergic symptoms are the direct result of this process.

Antibodies play an integral role in immune- mediated reactions. Each of these Y-shaped proteins, produced by cells of our immune system, is specific for each food allergen encountered.

In a nut shell, with food allergies we either have:

  1. IgE- mediated Immediate Onset Hypersensitivity Allergic Reactions. The IgE antibodies are the main player here. Typically, allergic reactions occur within moments to a few hours after contact with the inciting food.
  2. Non IgE mediated Delayed Onset Hypersensitivity Allergic Reaction. These types of allergic reactions involve antibodies other than IgE with the formation of immune complexes. Many of the symptom pictures associated with these types of reactions often go unrecognized as a food responsive and are often missed or misdiagnosed. Reaction time can vary considerably due to the persistence of the allergens in the blood stream.

Recognizing the symptoms of the delayed type reactions can make it difficult to make the association between the symptoms and the inciting food. The onset of symptoms associated with non IgE mediated reactions, can be delayed by hours and even days after exposure to the allergen.  Symptoms may be low grade & chronic, and may involve any tissue or organ in the body.


(Excerpts written by staff at US BioTek laboratories/ 2013 brochure).

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