what is naet treatment

Food Allergy Desensitizing – NAET

How Does the NAET System Work?

NAET honors Dr.Nambudripad’s life work. She is the pioneer that discovered these allergy desensitizing methods. NAET stands for Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques.

NAET has its foundation principles rooted in Oriental medicine. This 35 year old energetic form of acupuncture maximizes the hidden dimensions of the body/ mind’s innate intelligence, by addressing faulty messages from the subconscious mind.

NAET is a synthesis of five healing disciplines that have been around for decades, with a strong reliance on muscle testing. This allergy method integrates principles of American acupuncture, homeopathy, spinal & manipulation to desensitize specific allergens. By using energetic medicine to desensitize the body’s maladaptive responses to allergens, we can retrain the mind and body to integrate the allergens in a healthy way instead of producing an unnecessary immune response.

NAET treatment protocols are able to transform outdated over reactive programming to individual foods that get locked into attacking that which we dearly need… healthy food. When you have persistent food intolerances, your immune system is in over vigilant mode and misguidedly sees healthy foods as the enemy. The immune system responds by producing antibodies to specific foods, which results in even stronger reactions. Through this desensitizing process, the ability of the body, mind, and immune system to discern between healthy and foreign substances is decreased.

Factors that trigger more vulnerability with food sensitivities are:

  • Hereditary factors
  • Digestive malfunctions
  • Poor absorption of nutrients
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Depressed immune function
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Toxic overload
  • GMO harvested foods


naet muscle testing

What is Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing, sometimes known as applied kinesiology, has been around for forty years. It’s utilized in the complimentary medical community by some chiropractors, naturopaths, nutritionists & acupuncturists to ask & receive answers from the body’s innate intelligence.

Most people find it hard to fathom how you can get answers about one’s health from muscle testing, but it is possible. One arm is used to get simple answer from your body’s subconscious. Yes and no answers, weakness & strength answers are commonly asked of the body’s wisdom in evaluating whether some foods are supportive & some foods not. Does the food sample or the energetic vial with specific foods, that are muscle tested, what are it’s responses? Does it strengthen or weaken the life force in your body? Quite frankly, I am often amazed that the body’s innate wisdom can get to the truth of many basic health challenges with answers that sometimes surprise me.

How Does the body’s innate intelligence support you with trust worthy answers?

The innate intelligence is linked to the sub conscious mind & the everyday workings of the body’s functions. Its practical wisdom to support our wellbeing is commonly underutilized by us humans. It remains untapped as a health resource, because we are not trained to tune into it, nor learn how it communicates with us.

I’ve taught hundreds of adults & children how to do simple muscle testing on themselves when testing for suspicious foods before they eat them. This is an important life skill to learn when it comes to food sensitivities or foods your body is intolerant of. When you eat some foods, you suffer & may experience a variety of inflammatory responses within your body. You can avoid all of that discomfort just by doing a simple muscle test on yourself. Unlike the mind that can be deceptive, the body does not lie and it gives us simple, pragmatic answers which I use for treatment care, herbal or supplement choices, it can tell me how often to take that food or supplement to assist itself in in my body’s daily needs.

The body’s innate intelligence knows far more than we give it credit for, as to what it individually needs to keep itself healthy and balanced. To apply basic 101 muscle testing skills, it’s helpful to have an open mind, to begin trusting in your body in its energetic ways. With practice and time with muscle testing, your body’s intelligence will reveal simple answers to many questions in your life.

When I first began using muscle testing skills, I was awkward & dubious of this style of communication. And like learning any new skill, with years of practice, I’m fluent & comfortable in asking questions that provide answers to each adult or child’s body preferences & intolerances.

How is Muscle Testing performed to get answers?

Muscle testing is a way of identifying any imbalance an individual may have by testing their ability to hold various muscles against pressure applied by the therapist on the patient’s arm. In applied kinesiology, specific muscles are correlated to an organ & a meridian pathway. Together, the muscle being tested, the organ and the meridian pathway form an energetic circuit. Where there are no energetic imbalances present in the body, it is effortless for the person to hold the arm muscle test against the therapist’s applied pressure and whatever the substance being evaluated. The arm muscle being tested will feel strong. The opposite is true, if the energetic balance in the circuitry of the body is weak. Muscle testing is a learned skill that takes time & refinement to gain wisdom from the intuitive workings of your body.

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