Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Understanding Allergy Treatment from a New Perspective
NAET has its foundation principles rooted in Oriental medicine. This 30 year old energetic form of acupuncture maximizes the hidden dimensions of the body/ mind’s innate intelligence, by addressing faulty messages from the subconscious mind.
NAET is a synthesis of five healing disciplines that have been around for decades, with a strong reliance on muscle testing. This allergy method integrates principles of American acupuncture, topical homeopathy, spinal & craniosacral bodywork and nutritional support to desensitize specific allergens. By using energetic medicine to desensitize the body’s maladaptive responses to allergens, we can retrain the mind and body to integrate the allergens in a healthy way instead of producing an unnecessary immune response.
NAET treatment protocols are able to transform outdated over reactive programming to individual foods that get locked into attacking that which we dearly need… healthy food. When you have persistent food intolerances, your immune system is in over vigilent mode and misguidedly sees healthy foods as the enemy. The immune system responds by producing antibodies to specific foods, which results in even stronger reactions. Through this desensitizing process, the ability of the body, mind, and immune system to discern between healthy and foreign substances is decreased. It is important to understand that degree to which your body is able to successfully integrate a food, pollen, chemical or other allergen corresponds directly to the presence or absence of an allergy.
Factors that trigger more vulnerability with food sensitivities are:
- Digestive malfunctions
- Depressed immune function
- Poor absorption of nutrients
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Hereditary factors
- Hormonal imbalances
- Toxic overload
Allow 75 minutes for your first session, for the therapist to get acquainted with your allergy & health history. Please bring your insurance card and other records of previous medical allergy testing results. This may include the blood work panel for Eliza allergy testing.
Please make a point to eat before coming. You may be requested to refrain from foods that you are being tested for that day. Restrictions in diet normally do not extend beyond a 25 hour period and your therapist will guide you appropriately.
- Come to your NAET sessions perfume or cologne free.
- No showers, swimming or vigorous workouts are recommended.
- Please note: If you are uncomfortable with acupuncture needles, acupressure is another way to do NAET allergy treatments.
That depends on how many allergies you are choosing to work with, what your priorities are and what is important with your health goals. Some patients come to address a seasonal allergy health challenge and go through the basic clearing treatments in 4 to 6 sessions. It is best to pre-plan & get treatments before you start feeling the effects of the spring, summer or fall pollens, grasses & weeds.
Others patients have multiple health challenges that are deeply rooted and chronic. Hopefully, you are aware that NAET is not a quick fix like some drug medications. This desensitizing process requires patience, time, & commitment over the long haul for persistent allergic reactions that have been around for years. For really challenging multiple food sensitivities, it may take 3-6 months of weekly or bi-monthly treatments to change the terrain of an overactive or exhausted immune, digestive, or respiratory systems. Allergens are treated and cleared out one at time in a specified sequence. The usual protocol is to treat only one allergy at a time. For some individuals who are highly sensitive to specific allergies, sometimes additional treatments are required to reinforce the reprogramming messages signaled to the body/mind connection.
Muscle testing is utilized throughout the treatment as a way to communicate with the body/ mind’s innate intelligence. I rely a lot on the muscle response testing to communicate and get immediate feedback from each patient’s body / mind. This more primal part of our body intelligence oversees many of the body’s functions while we are awake or asleep. It is capable of giving us simple answers. These answers are calibrated by strong or weak responses to the muscle testing or yes and no answers.
I ask a series of questions from the body’s intelligence as to its strengths, deficiencies, what it needs, what it is NOT doing well with specific food intolerances and what nutrients may be added to support the body’s life force. Each treatment utilizes concentrated vials of homeopathic remedies that contains vitamins, minerals and hundreds of food vials to muscle test what the body is functioning well with and what it is not
Once the body’s wisdom provides me with answers through the muscle testing, I then move on to aiding the body to acclimate to specific foods it may be having challenges with efficiently assimilating. This desensitizing treatment protocol communicates with the mind and nervous system to reprogram old messages needing clearing out first, then new information is energetically programmed in. The patient receives an acupuncture allergy treatment in this desensitizing process that lasts for 20-30 minutes holding specific homeopathic vial. For some foods or homeopathic substances, exposure to these reactive substances may require a 24 hour period of contact with the body for the energetic of the body to recalibrate new information.
NAET honors Dr. Nambudripad’s life work. She is the pioneer that discovered these allergy desensitizing methods. NAET stands for Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques.
NAET has its foundation principles rooted in Oriental medicine. This 35 year old energetic form of acupuncture maximizes the hidden dimensions of the body/ mind’s innate intelligence, by addressing faulty messages from the subconscious mind.
The first few treatments of NAET lay the foundation for our work together by improving the absorption of basic nutrients. These biochemical building blocks include amino acids or vitamins & minerals such as the family of B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. These are integral to healthy cellular function. These nutrients are evaluated in the first few treatments and strengthened where needed, before specific food or pollen reactive substances can be desensitized. This is especially important for patients who are not absorbing nutrients well due to multiple food sensitivities.
Let’s use an example here. If you have a dairy sensitivity, calcium will be essential for strengthening into the cellular physiology. For others, Vitamin C will be critical to strengthen if you are reactive to pollen, dust, or mold. Many patients are surprised by how much better they feel after finishing the basic cellular micronutrient treatments, even before we begin to work on specific allergens.
If your insurance plan does not cover acupuncture, allergy treatments can be financed through You can establish a payment plan over a 6-12 month period. Affordable monthly payments can be created with this private medical financing company. This can allow you the continuity of allergy care needed with a series of treatments to address core allergy issues.
Cost per treatment can vary depending on the insurance plan you have and co-pays that are due. At the first patient appointment, I will discuss your health goals and the format for the NAET treatments. There is a fair amount of time spent with health education & orientation to the NAET allergy system, so allow a couple of treatments to acclimate to how this system of healing works within your body.
Yes and no to this answer. Anaphylaxis is a serious life threatening condition that requires the vigilant attention of a parent using an EPPI pen on their child & possibly an emergency plan to get to a hospital ASAP!!! Knowing how to intervene quickly and efficiently to get the acute medical care is essential in saving lives and reducing the high level of stress that accompanies a severe allergic response.
The naturopathic physicians that this NAET practitioner works with at the Federal Way clinic are trained to screen for severe food allergic responses and routinely check for this in their blood tests registering for the intensity of IgA’s, IgE’s and IgG’s immune responses. There are educational power points provided at the Federal Way clinic for medical alertness & preparedness if your child has an attack.
The Elisa allergy blood test will also be able to pinpoint the level of severity of inhalants and many common protein foods that are potential health threats. If you are at a level 4 to 6 in the Elisa test for specific foods, your NAET practitioner needs to be notified.
Please let the acupuncturist know if you or your child has had severe allergic reactions to red flag allergic foods such as peanuts, nuts, seeds, eggs, dairy, wheat, corn, soy, shell fish, MSG or artificial flavorings & colorings to name a few. This clinical knowledge refers to long standing foods that have been avoided for many years as well as new food sensitivities that have been discovered.
Cellular physiology strengthening with the NAET desensitizing system will be required before some gentle slow exposure to severe food sensitivities is introduced. Special training is required within the NAET protocols to safely handle severe food sensitivities and close observation is required on both the part of the patient, parent, as well as the therapist.
Muscle testing, sometimes known as applied kinesiology, has been around for forty years. It’s utilized in the complimentary medical community by some chiropractors, naturopaths, nutritionists & acupuncturists to ask & receive answers from the body’s innate intelligence.
Most people find it hard to fathom how you can get answers about one’s health from muscle testing, but it is possible. One arm is used to get simple answer from your body’s subconscious. Yes and no answers, weakness & strength answers are commonly asked of the body’s wisdom in evaluating whether some foods are supportive & some foods not. Does the food sample or the energetic vial with specific foods, that are muscle tested, what are it's responses? Does it strengthen or weaken the life force in your body? Quite frankly, I am often amazed that the body’s innate wisdom can get to the truth of many basic health challenges with answers that sometimes surprise me.
Muscle testing is a way of identifying any imbalance an individual may have by testing their ability to hold various muscles against pressure applied by the therapist on the patient’s arm. In applied kinesiology, specific muscles are correlated to an organ & a meridian pathway. Together, the muscle being tested, the organ and the meridian pathway form an energetic circuit. Where there are no energetic imbalances present in the body, it is effortless for the person to hold the arm muscle test against the therapist’s applied pressure and whatever the substance being evaluated. The arm muscle being tested will feel strong. The opposite is true, if the energetic balance in the circuitry of the body is weak. Muscle testing is a learned skill that takes time & refinement to gain wisdom from the intuitive workings of your body.
Our clinic is a preferred provider for most of the more established insurance plans.
- Regence & Uniform
- Premera (Blue Cross or Anthem)
- Aetna, Lifewise
- PIP Car Accident Injuries
- L & I / Workman’s Comp
- United Health Care
- HSA health care expense accounts/ credit card usage
- Some Humana
Cash Rates
- Medical Massage Treatment – $85.00/hour
- Acupuncture Treatment – $75.00/hour
- Allergy Acupuncture Treatment – $75.00/hour (single or group treatments)
- New Patients (75 minute case intake, includes treatment) – $90.00/person
Payments for services can be made in check, cash or credit card via PayPal or Square.
The fees charged in our clinic are compatible to those utilized by other specialists with similar qualifications.
If you are doing a series of treatments, as in injury care, a car accident or allergy treatment care, discuss the package plan or credit card coverage with the therapist.
This clinic is NOT equipped to deal with the extensive paperwork with Medicare or Medicaid insurance programs
Insurance Coverage
Health insurance coverage and the benefits to be paid out to health care professionals has become increasing more complex & sometimes challenging to get payment for services rendered. Consult our benefits specialist to learn about your insurance plan.
Is Acupuncture or Medical Massage Covered? Please call Debra, my medical biller at (206) 434-6317 to confirm insurance coverage.
Please note: You will need to do a verification process to see if acupuncture or medical massage treatment care is covered by your plan.
A large percentage of my clients I’m working with have their own individualized insurance plans. This means each 1 hour treatment you receive; your insurance plan will cover the larger portion of the cost. You will owe the remainder either as a co-pay (averaging $15-$40 per visit) or as a co-interest. If you have co-pay to make at the time of service, please make that payment at the time of that service. Cash, check, or credit card is acceptable. If you have a co-interest arrangement with your insurance company, you will be billed for that via mail.
Talk with me as the therapist in your initial talk on the phone about insurance companies that I am a provider for. Most of the older established insurance companies I’m a health care provider for. Refer to the above insurance companies & let’s discuss the plan you are under.
If you have insurance coverage for acupuncture services or medical massage, there is a high probability your insurance will cover you for acute injury care work. This is especially so if it is a recent car accident. Long standing chronic injuries are sometimes harder to get insurance coverage. Some insurance companies limit the number of treatments allotted for each tendomuscular challenge submitted.
HSA Insurance Coverage
This needs to be declared by the patient up front in the first session. HSA accounts require payments of services at the time of treatment either by credit card.
Car Accidents
The cost of all medical treatment care for both acupuncture & medical massage is covered by your car insurance PIP (Personal Injury Coverage), whether you are the driver at fault or not. To qualify, you need to make sure you have PIP coverage for car accidents. You will need to provide our clinic with your car accident claim number. This is how insurance companies keep track of your medical services & claims.
The exception to this is if you DO NOT have current personal injury car accident coverage or you did not include bodily damage coverage to your car insurance policy. In this latter case, you are liable for the full coverage for any acupuncture & medical massage treatments you receive at the date of service. Settlement on car accident cases with lawyer involvement can take as much as 12 -20 months of time for medical services to be paid to the therapist. This kind of pertinent info needs to be known up front when you contact our office. It will be discussed with the therapist upon your first visit.
Large Deductibles on Your Insurance Plan
If you have not paid off your deductible for the year, this must be met before you pay co-pays. If you have not met your full deductible for the year (whether its $200 to $3000 ) you are responsible to cover the cost of treatments for each visit by check or credit card. Please inform the therapist at the end of treatment whether you are still paying off a portion of your deductible. Unfinished deductibles will be paying me as the acupuncturist or medical massage therapist, upon completion of each treatment. The cost of treatment ranges from $75-$85 per treatment. Each treatment you receive, I will still be billing your insurance company, so that it goes toward the balance of your deductible.